Classic Starts(r) the Red Badge of Courage (Hardcover) Classic Starts 11
스티븐 크레인 지음 / Sterling / 2006년 3월
평점 :

미국의 남북전쟁은, 세계가 기억하는 최대의 전쟁 중 한가지라고 생각한다. 북아메리카의 거대한 영토에서, 두 개의 세력으로 갈린 남북은 각각 모을 수 있는 최대한의 군사를 모아서 전쟁을 하였고, 곳곳에서 치열한 전투가 벌어진 끝에 결과를 낼 수 있었다. 사람들이 남북 전쟁에 대해서 기억하고 있는 것은 몇 가지 되지 않는다. 남북전쟁을 승리로 이끈 전쟁들의 순간도 알지 못하고, 몇 명이 죽어갔는지도 알지 못한다. 단지 그들은, 이 전쟁의 표면적인 목적이 무엇이었는지, 실질적인 결과는 누구의 승리였는지에 관한 것 뿐이었다. 

It was hard to realize the moment of the Civil War. Many youth believe they would be hero if they fight on war. They believe they would survive, and no one can shoot them. The only thing that they had was hope, and they even lost them. It was the civil war, and it was not only civil war. Every war made youth to dream, and it made them to go death. I am in the same way. I also have a dream that I would do something if I go to the battle field. But, will I different with them? The only thing I can do is just fight hard and kill small number of people, and beg water and food. 

However, young men and soldiers had dream. I saw the moments of several fights, and they had purpose: to survive. They had to fight with enemies' bullets and gun powders, and diseases, pains. The everything in the war was the enemy of men. They could lost everything, and every moment could menace them. Can you imagine the moment that a bullet is going through over your head? You would feel afraid, and cannot use your gun on enemies. 

The battle field's moment made me to think a lot. Henry Fleming was one of a man who thought he can be a hero. He had to be troubled when he faced on the real figure of war. However, the red badge of courage was always twinkling. It is saying yes for their soldiers. The civil war's scene is going past by my eyes.

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