The Lucky Falcon Mystery (Paperback) Walker High Mysteries 10
Robins, Eleanor 지음 / Saddleback Pub / 2006년 8월
평점 :

각 학교 대표 팀에는 그들을 상징하는 문구나 마스코트, 신물이 있기 마련이다. 물론 워커 하이 스쿨의 풋볼 팀에도 그들의 승리를 기원하는 행운의 신물이 있다. 바로 행운의 독수리이다. 이 나무로 깎아내어 만든 신물은, 워커 하이 스쿨의 연승에 도움이 되었다고 선수들에게 생각되었고, 이번 경기에서도 이 신물이 위력을 발휘하길 기다렸다. 하지만, 경기 전에 이 신물이 사라져, 풋볼 팀 전체가 침울한 분위기에 빠져 있는 것을 모면하지 못했다. 

It is a great meaning that a lucky things would help me to be lucky. The football teams really thought the lucky falcon helped them, so this shouldn't disappear. However, there was someone who thought it was just a piece of wood. This piece of wood was the mascot of football team, but the criminal didn't knew that. 

The process of this story, the boy-friend of Gail became the victim, but Gail's trust about Mark was true. He was Newton High School, which school have a football play with Walker Hight school. He had reason to steal this, but he didn't. The truth was a girl who was mad at his boy friend didn't allow her to touch the piece of wood. They could finally find the falcon, and this falcon would be more important after.

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