Angry Aztecs (Paperback, New ed) ㅣ Horrible Histories 16
테리 디어리 지음, Martin Brown 그림 / Scholastic / 2008년 6월
평점 :
멕시코 중부 지역에 존재했던 문명, 아즈텍. 이 아즈텍인들은, 꽤 잔인한 문명을 가졌다고 볼 수 있다. 그들은 적과의 전투에서 사로잡은 적군을, 잔인한 방법으로 처형하기로 유명했다. 배를 갈라서 심장을 꺼내고, 목을 자르는 등 일종의 의식을 치르던 이들이었다. 이렇게 3대 문명이라 불리웠던 아즈텍 문명도, 고대에서 끝이 난 이유는 바로 서구에서 온 정복자들 때문이었다.
Fernando Cortes, the explorer from Spain was the conqueror of Aztec. He only took 500 people to conquest this world, and he used gun and the political status to kill them. Tenochtitlan was the capital of Aztec, and the aztecs believed this white people was the god they believed. They welcomed them, and the requital was to killing them with guns.
Well, Aztec was quite cool, but they couldn't avoid the time. That was the end of Aztec, but we still remember them. We should try hard to interchange with other countries. The fail of Aztec was caused by not interchanging with other countries.