My Weird School Daze #1: Mrs. Dole Is Out of Control! (Paperback) My Weird School Daze 1
Gutman, Dan / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2008년 4월
평점 :

A.J의 이상한 학교 이야기 시리즈.언제나 재미있게 봐 왔으며, 아마도 이 책이 우리 집에 있는 네 권의 시리즈 중 마지막이 될 것 같다. A.J와 친구들은 이제 졸업을 한다. 그렇지만, 엉뚱하게도 학부모들이 아이들의 졸업을 축하한답시고 전혀 마음에 들지 않는 분위기를 만들고 말았다. 이들은 어떤 일을 겪게 될 것인가? 

Mrs.Dole and the PTA made children really hard. PTA means Parents who Talk A lot, so these parents would prepare a lot of things that students will never like. They make fireworks, and made zoo for the children. I know that students would wanted to take their own time, but the parents doesn't think so. 

There were also fights between people, and many accidents during these last day. However, I could check how students and teachers make their time funny. And the A.J's saving time is also ended, too! They couldn't control the party, but this would be a good memory for them.

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