Horrible Histories: Woeful Second World War (Paperback) Horrible Histories 26
테리 디어리 지음, Martin Brown 그림 / Scholastic / 2007년 5월
평점 :

1차 세계 대전을 거센 풍랑에 비교한다면, 2차 세계대전은 아마도 전세계를 휩쓰는 거친 태풍과 같았을 것이다. 폭풍우는 세계를 휩쓸고 지나가, 그 자리에 슬픔만을 남겨 놓았다. 민족주의의 폐해가 우리에게 준 것은 아무것도 없었다. 

The start was the militarism of Japan, nationalism of German and Fascism of Italy. They alied with each other, and they showed their ambition to dominate the world. Well, their dream collapsed by allied forces. There were the great U.S to stop them. 

The deads were over fifty million. The Second World War called the biggest demage of dead and our money. So, the dead can compared with all the people living in Korea. If you imagine that all of the people in Korea die, than you can know how many people died in the world. 

The Hitler finally suicided, but the thrid world war can be occured if people try to protect themselves. People tried to protect their things, so the world war occured. If there are tanks shooting at me, what will you think of?

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