Horrible Histories: Frightful First World War (Paperback) Horrible Histories 9
테리 디어리 지음, Martin Brown 그림 / Scholastic / 2007년 8월
평점 :

세계 대전. 참혹한 세계의 역사. 수많은 사람들이 죽고, 사람들이 만들어낸 무기를 총동원했던 전쟁. 이것은 잘 알고 보면 사소한 것들이 모여서 이루어진 화약과 같았다고 할 수 있었다. 세계 대전, 그 첫번째 이야기는 과연 어떤 이야기가 숨어 있었는가? 

The beginning was the death of Serbian crown prince and princess. Someone shoot them, so they died. It was the strat of World War. Autria and Hungary declared war against Serbia, and it spread to the world. There were two forces; Austria, German and Italy were the team, and the others made unions. It was the fight of them, and many people died. 

Well, it was only the fight of Europians, but we can call it World war because the war occured at several places. And the world people demaged from this war. We can't compare this war with the Second World War, but it was quite dangerous war. So, the second wolrd war will sweep the world again. 

My opinion about why people make war is simple. They have purpose that they make war, but it's sure that they lost more things although they win the war. People think war is just like a cleaner. It reduce the number of weapons and people. It must be cruel, but there must be another war that killing a lot of people.

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