The Egypt Game (Paperback, Reprint) - 1968 Newbery
Zilpha Keatley Snyder 지음 / Yearling / 1996년 1월
평점 :

오랜만에 영어 원서로 재미있는 판타지 소설을 읽었다. 이집트 게임. 6명의 사람과 함께 시작한 이 놀이가, 점점 현실화되어서 사람들을 엄습하는 게임. 마치 쥬만지와 같은 영화를 보는 듯한 기분을 느끼게 한 책이었고, 멋진 긴박감을 가져다 주었다. 

There were six people and a old store sold a lot of egyptian ancient relics. They were really old. There was a girl who wanted to live by the store. The girl, April, Marshall, Elizabeth, Caroline, Ken and Toby joined that game. Yes, it was a mysterious game advanced by the egypt store. 

They met several people lived in Egypt. They went back to the Egypt, and had to solve their puzzles. It was made by the oracles and several missions. Maybe they took a special trip to Egypt. 

I thought they were maybe lucky. They were reluctant to do this, but it is really hard to suffer the culture of other countries with no money is not so easy. Next time, they would go to another trip. I heard it was a trip to the culture of Gypsy. 

The oracle leaded the children to special world. Maybe it was a story mixed by several mythology. And now I knew why this book has got the Newbery honor. I also want to take to trip like them. 

교수의 버려진 가게에서 일어난 멋진 모험. 덕분에 재미있는 모험을 즐길 수가 있었다. 다음 책도 읽을 수 있기를 바라며, 집시들과는 어떤 일들을 겪을지 기대된다.

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