Vampires Don't Wear Polka Dots (the Bailey School Kids #1): Volume 1 (Paperback) Adventures of the Bailey School Kids 1
Debbie Dadey, Marcia Thornton Jones, John Steven G / Scholastic Paperbacks / 1991년 1월
평점 :

이번에 새로운 미스터리 시리즈와 만나게 되었다. 바로 베일리 학교 아이들의 모험. 다양한 초자연적인 존재들과의 만남을, 아이들의 관점에서 재미있게 이야기한다. 물론 이것은 결코 공포, 호러가 아니다. 단지 아이들을 위한 작은 미스터리일 뿐이다. 

Then, let's see how interesting is this story. Bailey school kids are really naughty. They even made a teacher go mad and leave school. One they, there was a new teacher, who was young and beautiful. She came from Romania, so her accent was strange. Children though she was a good teacher, and at the same time, they noticed something strange from her. 

She decided to living in the haunted house, and children saw the long coffin just like vampire's sleeping bed. Now they really believed there is something secret about teacher Mrs.Jeepers about vampire. 

Well, they even tried to open the coffin, but they couldn't. They knew someone was sleeping in there, but not Mrs.Jeepers. Yes, it's true that vampires don't wear polka dots. She was wearing too bright things and act at night. However, I am still want to know about that magic green gem on her neck. But children could have the last of year without accident, so maybe she's just an unusual teacher, maybe.

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