[Oliver Moon's Christmas Cracker] 

올리버 문의 새로운 모험이 시작되었다. 아니, 모험이라기보다는 그냥 친척집가서 잔뜩 고생하고 온 이야기에 가깝다고 해야 할까? 매번 즐거운 크리스마스를 기대하던 올리버는 이번에 못된 사촌들이 자신을 괴롭히는 친척내로 가야만 했다. 자, 과연 올리버는 어떤 일을 겪게 될까? 

Well, let me tell you how horrible are the bad relatives. They looks really horrible. Well, what ever. It's not important. They cannot stay a moment if they don't bother Oliver. Poor Oliver. He really wanted to have a great holiday with their family, but their parents had to stay at their relative's house. 

However, the Christmas Cracker gave a lot of presents to Oliver. His bad cousin made him a bad boy and put him into trouble, but I would like hm to keep it in his recollection.

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