Magic Tree House #17 : Tonight on the Titanic (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 22
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 1999년 3월
평점 :

마법의 시간여행 시리즈, 제 17권. 이번에는 또 새로운 네 가지의 모험이 세팅되었다. 이번에는 마법에 걸린 개 한마리를 구하기 위해서, 아이들은 총 네 번의 여행을 떠나야 한다. 개를 원래대로 돌려놓기 위하여 네 가지의 선물을 찾아야만 한다. 

And the first present was, the gift from the lost ship in the ocean. Well, I knew it was the sinked great ship, Titanic. James Kameron's <Titanic> is one of my favorite movie. Yes, it's well known and also moved my mind. There are also many stories about Titanic. Many people thought the big ship is unsinkable. Howver, only a small rock on the ocean demaged the below part of the ship and it sinked down. 

Maybe, many children will have a question. Why it was a big accident? The big ship must have life boats and life belts to save the sailors and passengers. Yes, it was the fault of people. They thought it is really strong, so they didn't put enough life boat to save their life. None can know the future. If you are taking a airplane, never think accident won't happen to you. 

The first gift for the puppy, 'Teddy'was a silver watch from a girl, named Lucy. I don't know what does it have meaning, but I know how said Lucy was. She lost her dad, and the men only saved children and women, and they died with Titanic. They were real hero, I think. I want to sacrifice like them, too.

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