The 39 Clues #2 : One False Note (Hardcover) The 39 Clues (Book) 2
고든 코먼 지음 / Scholastic / 2008년 9월
평점 :

기다리고 기다리던 39클루스 제 2권. 한글 번역본으로 나오는 것을 도저히 기다리지 못해 시리즈를 모두 사 버리고 말았다. 다행히도 2권을 제외하고 모든 책에 카드 팩이 들어있어서 39클루스 게임에 참여할 수 있게 되었지만, 이게 왠 일? 미국, 캐나다, 네덜란드 국적을 가진 사람만 이 게임에 참여할 수 있다고 하지 않았는가! 충격에 머리가 멍해지고, 10만 달러의 꿈이 날아갔다는 생각에 잠시 얼떨결해 졌지만, 그래도 이 여러 명의 작가가 쓰는 책 시리즈를 온전히 즐겨보기로 했다. 

Well, it starts with France. I expected to win the prize, because Read the boks, Play the game, Win the prizes also said at Korean book. I really wanted to take the prizes! Well, the clues to solve in the homepage is quite fun. I recommend you playing the game, but you have to notice they are all English. I had a lot of troubles to solve them, too! 

And the second book was written by Gordon Korman, who is famous by Everest's children. I understanded why 10 writers are going to relay this book. Nobody have to know the story will going on. If only one people wirte this series, than they can tell people how will it go and win the prizes. 

And I'll tell you about the story. There are four kinds of Kahills; Lucian, Janus, Ekaterina, Tomas. Lucian's symbol is snake, Janus is Jakal, Ekaterina is Dragon, and Tomas is a white bear. Dan and Amy are searching for their real kinds of blood.

Amy and Dan Kahill had a lot of troubles this time, too. I hope them to find the secret of Kahills and become the most effective people in the world.

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