제르니모 스틸턴이 살고 있는 섬에서는 벌써 여름이 찾아왔나보다. 온 세상이 푹푹 찌고, 그는 빨리 여름 휴가 기간이 오길 바라고 있다. 불운하게도, 그는 언제나 위험하거나 비통한 상황에 처한다. 이번에 제르니모는 어떤 위험에 처하게 될까?
We can say he was in danger. He can die by the hot weather! He really wanted to enjoy a fabumouse summer vacation. He was going to go to a island which is really cool, but the printer made a problem and he couldn't get there.
Next, he was going to the volcano for an advanture, but his aunt was caught in fire. He should save her, and he missed the plane again. Next, he was going to go to Egypt, but the price was really high. It's a little sad for Geronimo that he can't enjoy his summer well.
Last, he went to a hotel, but his roommate was his noisy editor, Pinky Pick. She is a small girl, and loves pop music. She squeaks loudly and make Geronimo in trouble. This vacation, maybe Geronimo had to get some bad days.