Lost Treasure of the Emerald Eye (Paperback) Geronimo Stilton 1
제로니모 스틸턴 지음 / Scholastic / 2004년 2월
평점 :

제로니모 스틸턴 시리즈의 3권과 5권을 읽고서 그 깊은 매력에 빠진 이후, 어머니가 남은 1, 2, 4권 모두 구매해 주신 덕분에 위대한 영웅 쥐, 제로니모 스틸턴의 이야기를 다시 한번 읽을 수 있게 되었다. 평범한 신문 기자인 그가 누나 테아를 통해서 엄청나고 위험한 모험을 떠나게 된 이야기. 이 겁 많은 생쥐는 과연 생존할 수 있을까? 

Geronimo's advanture started again, and I realized that he was not a brave mouse at all. However, his family was really brave except him. Thea is a gray mouse, and her courage is great. Cousin Trap is a fat mouse, but he is competent when danger come th them. And Geronimo's little cousin, Benjamin? Well, he really enjoy the advanture, so Geronimo had to go to the advanture. 

Although the Emerald Eye didn't have any treasure, but it made Geronimo really famous. He wrote a book about his advanture and it was a big succeed. I hope that Stilton's trip will go on for long time.

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