Charlotte's Web (Paperback, 미국판) - 1953 Newbery
E.B. 화이트 지음 / HarperTrophy / 2012년 4월
평점 :

I never saw the movie, "Chalotte's Web"before, so that's why I could read this book well. I didn't have prejudice before, so I could enjoy the story, I think. And now I'll tell you what I feeled about to read this story. I was interested in this story, and the cute pig Wilber's story started.

Wilber was going to die when he born. He was too small, so his parents thought he would never live well. However, their daughter Fern disagreed with that. May be I did like that too, because killing a cute little pig is really cruel. So Fern prevented the death of little pig. What should she do? She decided to raise the pig by herself. She feeds some milk, walk with him everyday... And I realized that pig has many commonness. It has loyalty like a dog, too. And it is not dirty. It is a clean animal, but people put pig into the dirty cage and says that pigs are dirty.

When Wilber grew well, Fern's parents tried to sell the pig to their uncle. Fern disagreed, but she was persuaded by her parents. Wilber was lonely, however he found a new friend named Charlotte. Guess what? She was a tiny spider who can't see well. But she made Wilber famous by making the word like 'some pig', 'terrific' so Wilber could be famous by Charlotte. Spider is a kind of animal what suck insects' blood, but Charlotte saved Wilber's life. He could be dead in slaughterhouse.

Chalotte's web made me being impressed. And it also tells about the human and the wish of the pigs. After, may be I can't eat pork for several days.

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