저번엔 제로니모 스틸턴의 겁쟁이 탈출기를 읽고 제로니모의 모험에 푹 빠졌다. 그리고 다시 이번엔 제로니모가 한 불길한 성 속으로 들어가게 되었다! 매우 불길한 성. 들어가자마자 고양이 유령이 나오고, 가족들을 모두 불러 보았지만 계속 무서운 괴물들이 나오기 십상이다. 이 무서운 성 속에서 과연 제로니모는 무사히 집으로 돌아갈 수 있을까?
I love haunted story. Doesn't it mysterious? Mummy, ghosts, headless zombie... I know that they just made by imagination of people. However, Geronimo Stilton doesn't think like that. They believe that they are all real. I think Benjamin Stilton is more better.
Now, let's get into the castle. You can see the binder. And there is Geronimo and a shadow of cat. The cat, is the lupin. The owner of shadow is just a little teen-ager cat. He made the mummy, the disappeared skeleton, witch and vampire... If you were Geronimo, I bet you were scary, too!
I don't know why Geronimo started to scared about everything. I want that Geronimo come back and start a new project. Everyone, cheer up! After, he will be more brave and come to us!