Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Paperback, 미국판) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 1
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

찰리와 초콜렛 공장. 영화만으로도 3번은 보아서 내용을 거의 외우다시피 한 로알드 달의 베스트 셀러이다. 오래 전에 세상을 떠난 그는 어린이를 위하여 수십편의 이야기들을 썼는데, 마틸다, 찰리 이야기등이 그의 매우 유명한 이야기들이다. 그 외에도 수많은 단편선들이 그의 이름을 자랑한다. 운이 좋게도 이번에 로알드 달의 10권의 책들이 우리집으로 찾아오게 되었다. 가장 두꺼웠던 마틸다를 물리치고 집어든 책. 찰리와 초콜릿공장은 책으로 읽어본적이 없어서 한글로 읽지 못하니 영어로나마 읽어보게 되었다. 그리고 책속에서는 영화에서 볼 수 없었던 더 큰 특별함이 드러났다.

Do you want to know about this story? Well, this story is too famous what there aren't people who doesn't know about Charlie and Chocolate factory. But I am so sad, because my English name is Charlie, too. So sometimes my friends tease me. They always say in front of me, "Chocolate." but I am not care, because I like chocolate, too. And my dream is have a chocolate factory like Wonka's factory. Wonka is clever, no, he was fantastic and wonderful! Noone can make the chocolate like Wonka. I am waiting for read the next story of Charlie and the Glass Elevator.

I think I don't have a good idea like Willy Wonka, but I want to be like him. Many people thought he was sometimes crazy, but he was too fast. Noone can win at science. But Wonka did. Think is power. If you want to be a good person, study don't important. Think is the real power!

Einstein said just the head and good idea make a new. When I didn't know that, I just knew study is all. Wonka didn't study much, you know? Chocolate make doesn't need the knowledge. Just idea make the world. Charlie will has a good idea, like Wonka too. Everyone, don't praise at study harder, praise at thinkful person!

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