Andrew Lost #10: On Earth (Paperback) ㅣ Andrew Lost 10
J. C. Greenburg, Jan Gerardi 지음 / Random House Childrens Books / 2005년 2월
평점 :
로스트 시리즈 제 10권. 8권까지 없다고 생각했지만 아직도 이어지고 있는 로스트 시리즈에 적잖이 놀랬다. 이번 책은, 46억년 전에 탄생한 지구가 그 이후로 어떤 변화를 거치고있는지등을 설명한다. 인류의 역사는 고작 몇 만년밖에 되지 않아 무척 짧지만 그 이전에 살았던 생물들의 역사까지 합치면 생물의 역사는 엄청나게 길다. 과거의 지구속으로 사라진 더블 남매의 멋진 모험을 작은 책속에서 만나 보았다.
Andrew lost in time, because a time machine Time-A-Tron went to past to find their uncle Al. Doctor Kron-Tox kidnapped him, so the children try to save their uncle. When they traveling the earth, they met a boy that named Beeper. He's uncle is Doctor Kron-Tox and he help to find uncle Al.
Do you know all about the earth? Earth is our mother and home. We can do everything in home, earth is same. I'm very thanking about I'm living in the earth.
In fact, Dubbles are in dangerous. Tsunamis and Dunkleosteuses were try to ruin them, and now, a animal discovered Dubbles. I don't want they go die. I had a hope to do time travel, but now I'm not.
And now is Thudd's time! He is a genius machine. He is like a phone, and he can talk, to! Wow, it is very great. So let's listen to his speech.
Do you know when life was start? It isn't accurate. But it is true. Life started near water! If water do not exist, there wasn't life. Life is a special metalial.