다시 태어나 Bailey라는 이름으로 불리게 된 Dog.
<개·고양이 등이> 집에 길들여진( house-trained)
trained to urinate or defecate outside the home or in an acceptable place indoors

"I‘ll take care of him, and I‘ll walk him and feed him and wash him," the boy was saying. "He‘s the best puppy in the world, Dad. He‘s already housebroken!" - P58
When I lived in the Yard, Senora loved me, but I now realized it was a general love, aimed at all the dogs in the pack. She called me Toby, but she didn‘t say my name the way the boy whispered, "Bailey, Bailey, Bailey," in my ear at night. The boy loved me; we were the center of each other‘s worlds. Living in the Yard had taught me how to escape - P62
through a gate. It had led me straight to the boy, and loving and living with the boy was my whole purpose in life. From the second we woke up until the moment we went to sleep, we were together. But then, of course, everything changed. - P63