My Brother's Famous Bottom (Paperback)
제레미 스트롱 지음 / Puffin / 2007년 1월
평점 :

 2010-05-28 07:38  

제레미  스트롱의 시리즈가 떴다. 물론 줄거리도 제대로 파악하지 못할 그런 오락가락한 책이지만, 니콜라스의 가족들이 벌이는 엉뚱한 사건, 사고들이 독자들을 이끄는 것만 같다. 처음 만난 니콜라스 가족들은 과연 무슨 일을 벌일까? 

Well, Nicholas' father started first. He is one of the most unexpected person in the world. He said he can't raise Cheese and Tomato(Actually they are twin baby, and their real name are James and Rebecca.) anymore because he don't have any money, and he said he will sell the twin. Mother said no, then he made a plan to make a farm. His plan was to make food themselves and enjoy them of their own. 

Well, it was really funny while reading the funny family's accident. Next, Cheese, actually James could make a advertisement. Did you see the advertisement that take part in babies? I think they will make a lot of money, and Cheese did. Now I am expecting more funny stories for next series.

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