The Vile Victorians (Paperback) Horrible Histories 29
테리 디어리, 마틴 브라운 지음 / Scholastic / 1994년 4월
평점 :

공녀 빅토리아와 조지 3세의 넷째 아들로부터 태어난 소녀가 있었다. 황실의 피를 이어받은 그녀일지라도, 누가 그녀가 여왕이 되어서 영국의 최전성기를 이끌 줄 누가 알았겠는가? 여왕으로써 엘리자베스 이후로 최고의 활약을 한 여왕, 빅토리아 여왕으로 시작된 가문에 대해서 살펴본다. 

The Victorians were quite barbarous. They thought best teaching method was caning and hitting. They used really thin sticks to teach students. If they didn't go to church on Sundays, the priests gave many punishments to the students. I think it was quite a hard time for students at that time. 

It was also hard times for maids. They had to work nights and days. I sware that they don't have any rest time. They can't have good meals, and they only slept 7 hours a day although they work harder than the masters. Why the workers cannot fight back for their life? Well, they were victorians working for Victoria. They had to work hard. 

The vile Victorans' life was really splendid, but there always be weak, small people working for them. They have to work hard for the nobles although they are majors. If I was them, I would make a new world like French people.

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