The Hobbit : International Edition (Paperback, 3rd Edition)
존 로날드 로웰 톨킨 지음 / Harper Collins / 1991년 3월
평점 :

호빗. 반지의 제왕 연작 시리즈 중 중간 쯤에 해당하는 책. J. R. R. Tolkien이 워낙 방대한 양의 책을 쓰다 보니, 그리고 이 책이 너무나 잘 쓰여지고 유명하다 보니 책 속에서 등장하는 캐릭터들이 다양하게 패러디되어 이제는 익숙하기까지 하다. 모든 판타지 소설들의 아버지 격인 반지의 제왕. 그 후속격인 호빗은, 반지의 제왕에 등장했던 난쟁이 영웅, 호빗들의 과거를 설명해준다. 

Review 1 - 106 

Hobbits are small people. You can imagine dwarves, but they are quite different to dwarves. They are smaller than them, and have no beard. They have curly soft hair, and they have hair on their foot. These hobbits are sometimes brave. 

This is the story about how Bilbo got the ring and gave it to Gandalf. Bilbo and several hobbits and Gandalf went to an advanture. It was not an advanture to find the ring. They just went to enjoy themselves. Well, the reason why they have ring is just by their luck. 

Review 106-197 -2010 /12 / 28 /화

Hobbits and dwarves went to a trip with the wizard, Gandalf. But unfortunately, Bilbo met goblins and he caught by them. He could killed by them in their castle, but he could escape from their castle. However, they had no food, no phonies to ride so they had to get some help from someone. 

They met Beorn, who is friendly with Gandalf's cousin. So Gandalf and the Mr.Baggins, Bilbo and several dwarves could have some rest. When they left there, they scattered with Gandalf and the dwarves had to cross the river. 

Hobbit and small dwarves' travel will keep for long time. I would expect more interesting things from them.

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