Magic Tree House #26 : Good Morning, Gorilas (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 31
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, 살 머도카 그림 / Random House / 2002년 7월
평점 :

잭과 애니의 모험은 26권에서도 계속된다. 모르간에게서 여행을 통해 얻는 마법을 배우고 있는 중인 그들은 셰잌스피어와의 만남에서 문학속의 마법을 배우고, 이제 고릴라와 함께 하며 자연과 함께하는 마법들을 배우려고 한다. 

They met gorillas and several animals in the jungle. Many people think that gorilla is a dangerous animal, but there's no gorilla that attack someone first. It's unlike human, exactly. Human is the only animal who enjoy killing onother animals. Yes, we have to learn from the gorillas. 

The gorillas are dying by human, but let's talk about their life first. Jack became a great friend with them that he acted like a little gorilla, and they learn a sign with hand. I didn't knew there are animals who is really clever as human. They even use tools to live on. 

They learned magic of the all animals with the gorillas. There will be more advanture for them, but I hope they will going to be a great magician.

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