Magic Tree House #24 : Earthquake in the Early Morning (Paperback) Magic Tree House 매직트리하우스 29
메리 폽 어즈번 지음, Sal Murdocca 그림 / Random House / 2001년 7월
평점 :

1906년은 미국의 샌 프란시스코에서는 절망의 시대였다. 전쟁이 끝나고 기껏 이뤄놓은 아름다운 도시들이, 자연의 무시무시한 힘에 의해서 완전히 파괴되고 사람들은 쓰러진 전등으로 인해 발생한 화재를 피해서 도망가야만 했다. 잭과 에니는, 이 불행한 사태속에서 다른 이에게 전해주어야 할 것을 찾는다. 

Now San Fransisco is one of the biggest states in America. However, there was a big wound there. The big Earthquake destroyed everything. They made fire and burnt everything. Even a lot of people dead and the survivors had to live a poor life. 

There was a letter for send to the people. It said they lost their own city, have no place to live in, and they even can't eat a lot. They have no soap to wash their body. It was a terrible accident to everyone. Unless people didn't help them, they could die in the middle of destroyed city. 

Well, they finally found all four stories, and they gave it to the King of Camelot. Now there will be new stories to tell the knight of that wisdom.

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