The Report Card (Paperback, Reprint) - 『성적표』원서 앤드류 클레멘츠 시리즈 10
앤드루 클레먼츠 지음 / Aladdin / 2006년 1월
평점 :

앤드류 클레먼츠의 똑똑한 아이들 시리즈. 이번에는, 성적이 떨어진 소녀 Nora Rose에 관한 이야기이다. 표지에서만 봐도 D가 대부분이고, 그나마 좋은 게 C이다. 소녀의 성적표를 보면서 그녀의 심정이 이해가 간다. 자, 과연 그녀는 이 위험한 상황을 어떻게 극복해내야 할까? 

i was in that trouble for several time. If I had a poor grade, than grown-ups looked me in a strange sight. I know having a good grade is really important. The grade decide everything for my life. There is a word, 'Happy is not decided with grade, but success is decided with grade.' I agree with it 100%, so she had to make her grade really good. 

I can understand her. Maybe every children have in that case. Now everyone are watching 'The god of studying.' You will agree this is a really funny drama. And you can find how they studied. They are too poor at studying. None can make them study really well, but the teacher make it. 

There are always ways to success. If you started late, than just try harder for you didn't try before. You have to put your all energy into it.

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