A Series of Unfortunate Events #3: The Wide Window (Paperback) A Series of Unfortunate Events #03 1
레모니 스니켓 지음 / HarperTrophy / 2007년 9월
평점 :

드디어 영화에서도 가장 멋진 부분 중 하나로 꼽히는,호수에서의 사투 부분이 이 책에서 펼쳐진다. 도대체 카운트 올라프는 언제까지 아이들을 쫓아다니며 그들을 사랑해줄 친척들을 죽이고, 위험에 빠뜨릴 것인가? 아이들의 용감함과 지혜덕분에 이번에도 무사히 살아남을 수 있게 된다. 

Their far relative, aunt Josephine is living near the late, at the top of the lake. It's a really dangerous place to live, and yes. Captain Sham, who disguised by Count Olaf. How did he follow them? The best problem was, aunt Josephine already believe and even love him, so there was none who can help them! 

Sometimes I got a confusing. Grown-ups have to listen to children. They got happened and have to realize they have to believe in the children. They only see the outer part of the man, Count Olaf. He's an really evil man. 

They could disappear into the black ocean. Now, Count Olaf is waiting for them preparing next fight. How could they alive? Maybe I will tried to suicide, but I that will be also a stupid idea. If they die, than it's the best way that Count Olaf wanted. 

= Book Review = 

Best scene


"That won't work. Even a child can see that your pegleg was false." 

"A child did see it," Violet whispered to Klaus.


Main characters 

Klaus, Sunny, Violet, Aunt Josephine, Count Olaf

Place: Middle of the Lake Lacyrymose

Problem: Aunt Josephine met Count Olaf, but she fell in love with him so she can't even save the children!

The only Solution is, they have to alive using all ways they can use.

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