A Series of Unfortunate Events #2: The Reptile Room (Paperback) A Series of Unfortunate Events #02 1
레모니 스니켓 지음, 브렛 헬퀴스트 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2007년 5월
평점 :

이제 드디어 두 번째 대결이 펼쳐진다. 이 돈에 눈이 먼 남자가 어떻게 아이들이 있는 곳을 알고 찾아왔는지는 알 수 없는 노릇이지만, 어쨌든 다시 만났으니 누가 이길지 두뇌 대결을 펼쳐야 하지 않겠는가? 

This time, they met Mr. Mongomery, who collect snakes from all over the world. He is a really kind man, and he could keep the children warm. But he said he had an assistant, and he hired a new assistant to help him. I guessed him, the great evil Count Olaf. And it's time for murder someone. 

Mr.Montgomery murdered by the evil man, and children could cought Count Olaf with Mr. Poe. However, Mr. Poe was not smart enough to catch him so they missed him one more time. It means the onother advantures for children.

= Book Review = 

Best seen 

  "The hook-handed man!" Viloet shouted. "He's not a doctor! He's one of Count Olaf's henchmen!"  

Main characters 

Klaus, Violet, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf, Mr.Montgomery

Place: At Mr.Montgomery's reptile room

Problem: Mr. Montogomery started to raise them, but Count Olaf killed the assistant of Mr.Montgomery and uncle Montgomery to charge the fortune of the three orphans.

No solution they can get right now. They have to run away from Count Olaf, because he follows them everywhere.

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