A Series of Unfortunate Events #1: The Bad Beginning (Paperback) A Series of Unfortunate Events 1
레모니 스니켓 지음, 브렛 헬퀴스트 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2007년 5월
평점 :

레모니 스니켓의 위험한 대결은 영화로 먼저 접해본 이야기다. 물론 이야기에서는 전 시리즈의 이야기중 가장 흥미로운 부분만 추리고, 또 순서를 뒤바꾸었지만, 책으로 읽어보니 맨 처음 내용과 맨 마지막 내용이 하나로 이루어져 있었다. 자, 과연 부모를 잃은 이 고아들은 그들의 아주 먼 친척집에서 카운트 올라프의 음모아래 살아남을 수 있을까? 

Do you believe that there is a man who wants to take their far relatives' money, so trying to kill them? Even they are orphans and need some love, Count Olaf bothered them a lot. He had poor friends, and his house was really dirty. Even he made the children to work and make dinner. However, nobody noticed that and ignored what chilren saying. 

Now I realized a great thing. We can't believe in grown-ups. They think form is really important, so when Count Olaf had a unreal marrige, they thought it was a kind of play but it was real to have the children's money of Olaf. 

Yes, there are many people who wants to take other people's money. Why they don't work hard and make money themselves?  

= Book Review = 

Best seen


"But there is sonething illegal about dangling an infant out of a tower window," Justics Strauss said indignantly. "You, Count Olaf, will go to kail, and the three children will live with me." p136


Main Characters 

Klaus, Violet, Sunny Baudelaire, Count Olaf

Place: At Cound Olaf's house

Problem: They lost their parents, and Count Olaf is going to steal their money that their parents gave them. He wants to kill them!


 They all have intellegence to solve their problem. So they don't have any grown-ups to protect them, and that's why they have to help each other.

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