Creep from the Deep (Goosebumps Horrorland #2): Volume 2 (Audio CD) Goosebumps HorrorLand 2
Stine, R. L. / Scholastic Audio / 2008년 9월
평점 :

단행본은 판매가 되지 않고 있다.  시리즈만이.... 이번 권은 학교에 들고 다니며 틈틈히 읽었다.  달력표지를 싸서 가지고 갔지만, 내가 읽는 책에 관심을 보이는 아이들이 한 번 보더니 "원서네. 넌 미쳤어."라고 했다. ㅎㅎㅎ;;; 위장용이었냐?"라는 소리도 듣고. 순전히 paperback보호용이었는데ㅋ 문학소년으로 반에서 불리고 있는데, 싫지 않은 별명이다.   

구스범스 호러랜드, 제 2권. 다행히도 1권에서 슬래피에게 납치된 브리트니 부모님의 이야기는 빌리와 그들의 만남으로 계속 이어졌다. 빌리는 이번에 바닷속 깊은 곳에서, 죽은 해적의 영혼을 만나게 된다. 과연 그는 그를 다시 잠재우고, 이 바다의 세계를 탈출할 수 있을까? 

The Pirate of captain was death in the midst of the ocean, and the all pirates were became ghost in the water. Sheena, who is Billy's little sister is really good and swim, and Billy also do. They had curious about deep in the ocean, and they swam onto it. Yes, all they found was about the death pirate, and they woke them up! 

They could almost die, but they fortunately escape from them. It was really a big adventure, and they also invited from horrorland. I think it's a place where invite brave children who saw the real ghost. Billy invited to horrorland about water scare, and he found Molly and Britney who were finding their parents. They hadn't worry about them, but they lost them in the sand. And they heard the chant of the pirates; so they took them away from the beach! He have to find them and save.

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