Captain Underpants and the Big, Bad Battle of the Bionic Booger Boy, Part 1: The Night of the Nasty Nostril Nuggets (Captain Underpants #6), Volume 6 (Mass Market Paperback) Captain Underpants (Paperback) 10
대브 필키 지음 / Scholastic Paperbacks / 2003년 9월
평점 :

마이티 로봇을 읽다가, 문득 이 책 시리즈를 다 읽었었나?라는 생각이 들었다. 그래서, 이번에는 온몸에 콧물을 뭇힌 로봇이 되어버린 과학 소년, 멜빈과 빤스맨의 한판 승부가 펼쳐지게 된다. 

Thanks to Malvin, he also made a bionic hamster who has a great power. He made a super machine to combine two things, and he made a hamster combine with a robot. Yes, he was still a bionic hamster, but had a great power. However, people didn't like him so he tried to be strong with the machine. 

I know whe people hate him, because he is not kind. But he doesn't think so, and he just want to be strong and make people obey to him. What the heck he thinking? Finally, he combined with a robot and his booger. And he became a super booger-boy, who is really dirty. 

Captain Underpant's story is almost over. Now, there will be three more booger things to attack Captain Underpants. I hope he will win,

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