Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot 1-4 (Paperback)
Pilkey, Dav / Scholastic Paperbacks / 2002년 9월
평점 :

Ricky Ricotta's Mighty Robot편

아침 한 때 화장실 독서. 분량이 적어 휘리릭~ 읽었다.  그렇지만 오랜만에 시종일관 날 낄낄거리게 만든 원서 시리즈.  

빰빠라밤 빤스맨! 시리즈의 작가, 데이브 필키의 또 다른 어린이를 위한 책. 이번에는 릭키 리코타라는 귀여운 생쥐를 주인공으로 삼고, 악한 박사가 만들었으나 너무나도 착한 마음씨를 가진 마이티 로봇의 만남으로, 서로를 구해주면서 함께 지구를 지켜간다. 

I told you that Mighty Robot and Ricky protect each other, and maybe you won't believe that this small rat can protect the big robot. However I'm sure he saved the robot for several time. He stopped Dr.Stinky to shock Mighty Robot for force him to attack the world. I know there is a lot of bad things to rule the world by power. And there sometimes crazy scientist to make zombie or something. 

Dr.Stinky finally made the Mighty Robot, but fortunately it had a good sense. Why didn't he have a evil mind? I'm not sure, but maybe there was a mistake. Ricky also stopped Dr.Stinky to remove Mighty Robot by RPG-1, but he made him to shoot his home. Wow, they saved each other, really! And there will be a next adventure for them.


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