Holes (Paperback, 미국판) - 『구덩이』 원서
루이스 새커 지음 / Random House / 2000년 5월
평점 :

웨이싸이드 스쿨 시리즈를 읽고서, 작가의 책에 대하여 깊은 감명을 받고서 또다른 책, holes를 읽어보기로 했다. 구덩이들. 넓찍하게 파져있는 수많은 구덩이들을 보면서, 과연 어떤 일들이 일어나고 있는것인지 짐작해보았다. 

Stanley Yelnats. Stanley is opposite for Yelnats. And Yelnats used this name for five people. They always say that they have a bad curse on them, because of the dirty grand-grand-grand father. Stanley also thought like that, because he had to go to prison or Green Lake Camp. 

Green Lake Camp? Yes, it is a summer camp but not that kinds of camp that you imagine. You think the campfire and a happy time with your friends? Well, they have to dig a 1.5m hole everyday. And this is really hard to dig. They are young, and it is really hard to do. Maybe Stanley had to hate someone who made him like this, but it was the right time to stay for change Stanley's life. 

After all, Stanley and Zero, who was in the camp could go out and find Stanley's grand-grand father's treasure. He could be rich and Stanley's father invented a good medicine for remove foot-smell. This have a lot of stories. The three stories about Stanley, Elya and Kate Barlow. They did not really have connection. At last, it all had an important connection for Stanly. I think the destiny is helping him. This was one of my best book ever.

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