The Absent Author (Paperback) A to Z Mysteries (Book) 1
론 로이 지음 / Random House / 1997년 9월
평점 :

알파벳 26자로 시작되는 모든 미스터리한 이야기들 중 제 1권, 사라진 작가 편. 추리소설은 오랜만이었지만, 내용은 정말 쉽게 추리되었다. 물론 작가에 대한 잘못된 믿음이 만들어낸 미스터리지만, 그래도 아이들의 추리력이 정말로 뛰어난 것은 사실인 듯하다. 

Wallis Wallace is a famous mystery writer. And Dink, who really likes mysterous story is the author's fan. Dink was going to meet the famous writer, Wallis Wallace. He said he will meet everyone until he is kidnapped. Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose were going to meet him, but he wasn't there, There was only a writer who was going to meet Wallis Wallace. Now, they have to find where is him. 

Well, Wallis Wallace is really a funny woman. I though she was the real Wallis Wallace. Because the author do not has to be a man! Yes, the bookcover says that the author is a man, but it was Wallis' plan. Maybe she wanted to find a good detective to make a great mystery author. And the children proved that they have a great ability. 

A to Z mysteries series will be really fun. I hope there will be more than 26 stories. I need more hard, difficult mystery story.

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