Junie B. Jones #5 : and the Yucky Blucky Fruitcake (Paperback + CD) Junie B. Jones (Book + CD) 5
바바라 파크 지음 / Random House / 2008년 6월
평점 :

Junie B의 이야기를 읽으면 언제나 그녀가 귀엽게만 느껴진다. 아직 아무것도 모른채, 이제 이번 이야기에서는 모든 상을 자기가 휩쓸고 싶은 그런 욕망을 드러낸다. 물론 그런 마음이 경쟁을 해서 더 좋은 결과를 만드는 원동력이 되지만, 모든 것을 혼자서 차지할 수는 없다는 교훈을 이 책에서는 드러낸다. 

Noone can get everything. It says that all of people have to concede. Well, my mother always says you have to get ambition to get a good prize. When I was young, I couldn't understand that. I knew that I have to concede something to others, but my mom prevented that. And now she's saying that I have to be more polite. What should I do? She gave me big problem. 

At last, Junie B could get a prize. But it was only a yucky blucky fruitcake. She could choose other things, but she chose it. Maybe she's a bad luck's girl. So I always want to cheer her up. Junie B, you can be more great!

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