Junie B. Jones #3 : and her Big Fat Mouth (Paperback + CD) Junie B. Jones (Book + CD) 3
바바라 파크 지음 / Random House / 2008년 6월
평점 :

실수로 8권을 먼저 읽고서 다시 3권으로 돌아왔다. 아무리 Junie B가 사고뭉치 소녀일지라 할지라도, 그녀에게도 존경하는 사람이 있을 것이고, 또 되고 싶은 직업이나 꿈을 가지고 있을 것이다. 자, 그럼 Junie B의 꿈은 과연 무엇일까? 

Janitor is a editor of Junie B's kindergarten. He always ban problems from Junie B, so she really likes him. So she decided to become like Janitor. One day, in school, teachers decided to make a Job's day and thought to know about children's dream. Junie B told her teacher that she doesn't have any domb job, so she got punishment. What should she do? Can she find her job? 

Janitor was the point. Junie B was proud of herself that she could lock the door herself, and her grandma told her that she is good at painting. And Janitor has lots of keys, and sometimes he paint the walls for new colors. That's why Junie B wanted to be like Janitor. Though her friends tease her, but Grace and teacher cheered her. So let's cheer her nice dream to be like Janitor!

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