Junie B. Jones #8 : Has a Monster Under Her Bed (Paperback + CD) Junie B. Jones (Book + CD) 8
바바라 파크 지음 / Random House / 2008년 6월
평점 :

이제부터는 매일 Junie B와 만나기로 했다. 동생 Ollie가 생긴 후에, 이제 또 이 꼬마 소녀에게 어떤 새로운 사건이 생길까? 아니,어쩌면 그녀 스스로 사건을 조작하고 만들어낼지도 모른다는 불길한 예감이 든다. 

When I was young, I always afraid at monster or ghost. So I didn't want to go out alone. However I remember that I really liked people. And Junie B thought as same as like me! She is scared at monster who lives under her bed. Exactly, it not real monster. She just has afraid about it. I can understand her parents' thought. Maybe they regret why didn't they make their daughter more quiet. I know she is really noisy. 

At last, Junie B knew there is no monster under her bed. After, I will never tell younger brother or sister about monster. Because their parents will going to get me and hit.

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