The Big Blueberry Barf-off (Hardcover) - Sticker Sheet 1매 포함 Rotten School 1
R. L. Stine 지음, Trip Park 그림 / Harpercollins Childrens Books / 2005년 7월
평점 :

표지부터 딱, 부패한 학교라는 이름이 걸맞는 그림을 담고 있었기에 오래도록 읽기를 꺼렸던 책이지만 그러다가 한 번 시도를 해 보았다. 결과는 대만족이었다! 이 책이 1권인지는 잘 모르겠으나, 자칭 빠른 머리 회전과 뛰어난 아이디어를 가진 버니의 이야기를 담은 책이다. 자, 그러면 로텐 스쿨의 온갖 이야기들을 들어보자! 

Bernie woke up. When he woke up, he was in the Rotten House. Rotten House is a boardinghouse in Rotten School. Well, you see the name? The teachers and students are not natural, too. They like to be in dirty. 

And let's listen to Bernie's story. He has a good brain(Only himself) and he has lots of idea. Yes, he proved it for earn more than hundreds of dollars. But his new rope T-shirt failed. I know that he want to earn lots of money. Well, I think that he is the most handsome boy in this book by picture. Because other boys are the worst! 

And the accident starts with April May. Bernie's sweet heart is April May. She is the most beautiful girl in Rotten School. So he tried to go to Dance lesson with April May. But she was only concerned on Sherman's watch. It has 42 functions. He can play piano, cumputer, game, turn on GPS, MP3, flash lights, keyboards... so all of people want to have his watch. And Bernie want that, too for gain April May's concern. So he start a strategy for gain Sherman's great watch. 

Bernie lost his money and had lots of crisis, but at last he gained April May's offer to go to Dance Lesson with her. Oh, but there was a girl named Jennifer. She is really big. How big? Her fleshy inside of the thigh is as thick as Bernie's head. But I had lots of funs to read this book. I really want to read the next series of Rotten School!

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