Fantastic Mr. Fox (Paperback, 미국판) Roald Dahl 대표작시리즈 2
로알드 달 지음, 퀸틴 블레이크 그림 / Puffin / 2007년 8월
평점 :

오랜만에 로알드 달의 시리즈를 보게 되었다. 판타스틱한 여우씨? 로알드 달의 시리즈는 항상 재미있었기 때문에, 이번에도 믿고선 책을 펼쳐들어 이야기를 읽어보기 시작했다. 처음 시작은, 매우 욕심많고 잔인한 세 명의 농부에 관한 이야기였다. 

There was three famers. Their name is fat Boggis, squat Bunce, and skinny Bean. Boggis had thousands of chickens. And Bunce had thousands of geese and ducks. Bean had thousands of turkeys and apple trees. Boggis was fat because he always ate three chichens each of breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bunce was really short because he always ate doughnuts and goose's liver for each meal. And Bean? Oh, he was really skinny farmer. He is the cleverest of three. He only ate Apple cider. 

And there was also Mr.Fox who was really clever. He was a fox like name. He had a wife, and some childrens. One day, he went to Bunce's house to take two of the geese. But the three farmers were waiting for him! He lost his tail, but he couldn't fail. Because he was cleverer than them. He was digging up the ground, and he went to Boggis' house and found some chickens. He found a massy of meet and apple cider. He called every animals around there and had a nice party with them. 

I knew a important thing. That fox is really clever! I read Seton's story and there was a story about clever fox. But people killed the fox. Maybe if people decide to kill something, he will really do it. Well, I'm happy that Mr.Fox win. When they can go home, the three of farmers?

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