Wayside School Gets a Little Stranger (Paperback) Wayside School 2
루이스 새커 지음, 애덤 맥컬리 그림 / HarperTrophy / 2019년 3월
평점 :

웨이사이드 스쿨 시리즈도 마지막에 다다랐다. 어머니는 루이스 서커가 지은 또 다른 책, Holes를 사주셨지만 마지못해 작별하기가 쉽지 않다. 그래서 이번 편은 특별히 더 꼼꼼히 봐주기로 했다. 이번에 아이들에게 무슨 일이 생길까, 궁금하다. 

Mrs.Gorf was disappeared. She was in Louis' stomach, and now maybe she's in her toilet. This is not a joking. And Mrs.Gorf had a son, named Mr.Gorf. He was a handsome, kind, nice guy. Until he stole all of student's voice. But don't worry. Wayside school is a little strange school. Miss Mush already knew that he stole all of student's voice. 

Do you know that there was two elevators, blue elevator and red elevator. Blue elevator only go up. And red elevator only go down. But you know what will happen. Blue elevator went to the 30th floor. And the red elevator went to the 1st floor. And they couldn't use this any more. The door is really silly. 

Now on, Mrs.Jewls had a baby. She is the nicest teacher in Wayside school. Now, everyone bye bye. It's time for read 'Holes'. I will never miss you.

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