Wayside School Is Falling Down (Prebound, Bound for Schoo) Wayside School 1
루이스 새커 지음, 애덤 맥컬리 그림 / Turtleback Books / 1990년 1월
평점 :

지금 처음으로 이 책이 그 유명한 뉴베리 상을 받았다는 것을 알게 되었다. 루시으 사카의 삼부작, 웨이사이드 스쿨 시리즈. 1권에서는 30번째 이야기의 32명의 학생들에 관한 이야기를 다루었다. 그리고 이번에도, 그들에 관한 각종 재미있는 이야기들이 찾아온다. 

You know, wayside school is not a common school. There is lots of happening. Like in the first time, Mrs.Gorf turned children into the apples. It's just one of the iceberg. You can meet the whole iceberg. 

Maybe you trick your teacher or parents for gain something. Bebe is a special girl. She is the fastest drawer in the class. But one day, she started to do something. Like she wrote 'Mrs Jewls is as fat as a hippopotamus! And she smells like one, too.' In her homework paper. She said it was her evil little brother, Ray. And she told Mrs.Jewls that in her home, her parents always beat her because of Ray. When Mrs.Jewls told about Ray to Bebe's mother, she said, 

"Ray? Who is Ray?" 

Wow, how interesting! Bebe was the greatest trickster! She already tricked Mrs.Jewls. But if it was Mrs.Gorf, she must be an apple. 

Wayside School's funny stories make me pleasant! Maybe you can get pleasant in this book, too! Have a nice reading!

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