The Mask of Maliban (Paperback, Reissue) The Secrets of Droon (Book) 13
토니 애버트 지음, 팀 제셀 옮김 / Scholastic / 2001년 10월
평점 :

이럴수가! 옴의 예언이 딱 들어맞을 수도 있겠다. 갤런의 말로는 스파 대공이 화산 궁전에 갖혀 계속 나오지 못하고 있다고 했었다. 하지만, 악의 도시 톨투에서 가면 제작사 홉으로 인해 다시한번 부활을 시도한다! 우리의 영웅들이 과연 그를 저지할 수 있을까? 

Well, this is a too bad news. Lord Sparr revival, again! He became a grim monster, because of the golden wasp. He needed the magic power, back! Maybe when he dead, he gave Eric his power. So that means he will help Lord Sparr. It's just my guess. Destiny is not the exact destiny. If he really believe that, he will really become a supporter of Lord Sparr. I can't imagine that. 

I thought Maliban was Lord Sparr. Because he didn't show people his real appearance. If people saw it, everyone should quietly surprised. He is genius. Too bad. But Eric, Julie and Neal are more genius and brave! Maybe one day, they will remove Lord Sparr, really.

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