Tower of the Elf King (Paperback, Reprint) The Secrets of Droon (Book) 9
토니 애버트 지음, 팀 제셀 옮김 / Scholastic / 2001년 7월
평점 :

스파는 어느 순간에 갑자기 사라져버렸고, 드룬의 세계에 다시 평화가 찾아왔다... 라면 얼마나 좋겠는가? 럼피 족의 칸 왕이 불을 내뿜는 못생긴 엘프왕에게 약탈을 당했다. 눈이 세개 달린 괴물을 꿈 속에서 보게 된 에릭, 결국 이번에도 드룬의 세계로 떠날 수밖에 없었다. 

I am really wondering about where Lord Sparr gone. Ninns said that he went to the scret world, and he is not dead, but also he is not arrive. However it's okay, because he was the real evil. Then, a new evil appeared name Gryndal. He stole all of treasure of King Khan! What is he going to do?  

He was a hog elf. Eric saw a pig nose in dream, so the monster means that it changed shape. So why they did such a thing? They knew Ninns will not listen to him without scarry appearance and fire. So he changed shape like a scary, fire lizard! When he tricked the Ninns, he made them to builf a tower. 

At last, Princess Keeah went to the travel to find her mother. She heard about her mother-who changed into a red tiger- and started to fly to there. Eric, Julie and Neal couldn't catch her. Where is she going? I'm waiting for next story.

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