The Golden Wasp (Paperback) The Secrets of Droon (Book) 8
토니 애버트 지음, 팀 제셀 옮김 / Scholastic / 2000년 6월
평점 :

이번 편에서 일행은 줄리의 은팔찌와 에릭의 아버지를 찾기 위해서 다시 드룬의 세계로 떠나야만 했다. 스파는 이번에 엄청난 계획을 꾸몄다. 성으로 드룬의 모든 유명인사들을 불러내어 황금 말벌을 이용해 그들을 자신을 섬기도록 하기 위해서이다. 주인공들은 과연 무슨 일을 할 수 있을까? 

If Keeah couldn't play harp or she couldn't do magic, maybe the world was already Sparr's world. And he will go to the upper world! If he come out, we don't know what he will do in here! 

This was the funniest story I ever seen! Keeah cure King Zello, and the kings and queens. Lord Sparr's plan was great, but sorry to him, Eric and Keeah ruinned the plan. Keeah control the Golden Wasp by Harp's soft melody, and the Golden Wasp attacked Lord Sparr. Everything turn into usual. 

There is sixteen story about Droon, and eight season 2 series. But I can only read the season 1. well, I only read half of the stories. It means Lord Sparr's plan didn't end.

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