The Great Ice Battle (Paperback) The Secrets of Droon (Book) 5
토니 애버트 지음, 팀 제셀 옮김 / Scholastic / 1999년 11월
평점 :

드디어 고대하던 5권을 보게 되었다. 내가 맨 처음 드룬의 비밀 시리즈를 만나게 해주었던 5권의 내용이 막 가물가물했었는데, 그 재미있는 전투 씬을 다시 한번 볼 수 있게 되었다. 스파 대공은 이번에도 비겁하게 드룬을 차지하기 위해 추위를 사용한다. 아, 그의 욕심은 도대체 어디까지 퍼져 나간 것일까! 

I said I saw this story before, but when I read the story, I remember nothing. Maybe it was another story. Was it Number 7? I don't know exactly, I'll see the next story. 

Yes, this story is fun as the title. Now Keeah and her friends are ready to fight! I'm very sorry to Ninns, but they are not clever. Not just clever. They even stupid! So when they found Eric and Neal, Eric and Neal show them they were freeze, so Ninns just ignore them. What a wonderful job! Maybe Lord Sparr will lose because his soldiers are not clever. Yes, Keeah win. But they couldn't kill Lord Sparr. At next time, they should get rid of Sparr!

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