Hidden Stairs and the Magic Carpet (Paperback)
Abbott, Tony / Scholastic Paperbacks / 2007년 5월
평점 :

4학년때 도서관에서 처음보았던 드룬의 비밀. 그 때는 안타깝게도 1권이 없어 5권부터 보게 되었다. 물론 한글판이었는데, 그때 보았던 에릭과 줄리, 닐이라는 이름은 전혀 기억되지 않는다. 그렇지만 이번에 우연찮게 드룬의 비밀을 만나게 되어 정말 다행이라고 생각한다. 자, 마법의 세계 드룬에서 무슨일이 생기는지를 살펴보자. 

This books are fun as Harry Potter series. Yes, they are very small. So we can't compare with Harry Potter. But this has magic, too! In Droon's world, there is wizard, flying rizard name groggles, and red oaks called Ninns. 

You know Droon is a fantastic world, but there is an mad wizard in Droon. His name is Lord Sparr, and the flying groggles and ninns are his soldiers. Oh, man! But don't worry. There is a king and a kind wizard Gallen, too. 

I really hope to read the next story of Droon. I get scattered with them. Mom, can I meet them later? It means I want to buy next stories!

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