The Fisherman and His Wife (Paperback) Classic Tales Biginner Level 2
범문사 편집부 엮음 / Oxford(옥스포드) / 2001년 10월
평점 :

아주 옛날에 읽었던 이야기, 어부와 그의 아내. 그 때에는 이야기가 이토록 생생하게 들려오지 않았는데, 영어로 읽어보니 어부의 아내의 욕심이 얼마나 엄청난지를 실로 느낄 수 있었다.

I will tell you how mucc fisherman's wife is greedy. First, she wanted a cottage. Than she wanted a big house, than she wanted a castle, than she wanted the palace and she wanted to be a queen! At last, she wanted to have all of the world. But at last the magic fish became angry, so he returned everything.

I think fisherman know the real happy. People don't know what is the happiest thing. Like fisherman's wife. When she returned, she knew that when she was really poor, she was the happiest woman at her daily loutins.

Don't be greedy. Greedy person is the most silly person. Noone like the person. Do you know Screwzi? He was a real notorious miser. People even hate him! If you want to be a happy person, you should be polite, honest and kind.

(y서점에서 외서 추천 이벤트를 할 시 작성해서 받은 5권의 선물 책 중에 한 권.  최근 구입한 이동식 책꽂이를 컴퓨터 옆에 두고, 외서 챕터북이나 그림책을 쉽게 뽑아 읽게 해 두었더니, 밤마다 가볍게 한 두 권씩 아이가 읽고 있어 본전 톡톡히 뽑고 있다고 혼자서 무쟈게 키득거리고 있는 엄마입니다~)


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