Captain Underpants and the Wrath of the Wicked Wedgie Woman (Captain Underpants #5), Volume 5 (Mass Market Paperback) Captain Underpants (Paperback) 3
대브 필키 지음 / Blue Sky Pr / 2001년 9월
평점 :

이번편은 그간 보아왔던 빤쓰맨 시리즈 중에서도 최고로 재미있었던 것 같다. 이번에는 바로 리블 선생님이 우리의 빤쓰맨의 적이 되었다. 그리고 조지와 해롤드가 그린 만화대로 행동하는 빤쓰맨은, 그 덕분에 엄청난 힘과 비행 능력을 가지고 있다. 자, 과연 이번 편에서는 빤쓰맨에게 무슨 마법적인 사건이 일어날까?

Can you believe that all of the start from comic book? It's not sure, but I believe it. Because the time that when I started to be like books, I read lots of comic books! It is the start of it. Maybe Dav Pilkey also like comic book, isn't he?

Ms.Ribble. She was a boring, not fun, and scary teacher. All of students don't like her. And than George and Harold tricked her, than she become... a terrible monster! She made two big robots look like George and Harold, amd she make it to attack the village. What can Captain Underpants do? He is in prison. But comic book give him the power!

In George and Harold's comic book, you can see Captain Underpants' growth period. In Underpant planet, there are underwear people who live there. The king of Underpant planet knew that alien going to attack the planet, so he should used the magic amulet. But he couldn't. When he droped the magic amulet, his own son ate that!

They didn't have any mathod. So they dicided to save his son, so they send their son to the earth. A man and woman found him, and named him 'Captain.' When he grow up, he knew that he was not same as other people. One night he had an weird dream. His other parents appeared, and told him to save the world.

Wow! Captain Underpants' advanture always make me crazy! It is so funny. I couldn't see the Korean books, but now I am already happy. I hope Dav Pilkey will write more about Captain Underpants! Maybe you want, to! Aren't you?

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