Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Paperback) Harry Potter 미국판-페이퍼백 3
조앤 K. 롤링 지음 / Scholastic / 2001년 10월
평점 :

해리포터와 아즈카반의 죄수는, 해리포터 시리즈 중에서도 꽤 괜찮은 편이라 할 수 있는 이야기이다. 해리포터 시리즈는 곧 이어 한글판으로 만나 볼 생각이지만, 일단 지금은 영어판으로 읽어야 해 완전히 이해가 안 되는 내용도 많았다. 하지만 영화를 보고 책을 봄으로써, 과연 무슨 내용인지가 새록새록 떠올랐다.

The most amazing part of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is this. When demantors attacked him and Black, he thought that the person who saved them was his dad or something else. Then when he went to the past, he met him, but there wasn't any saver. So he should save them, and he expelled to the demantors. So the saver was him! I think go past is a great thing. If you go past, you can change everything for you. But you know, if you change that, noone know the future, because change the past is a difficult and a dangerous thing.

I can't understand that why ministry of magic has a wrong think. At last, Black was not a rupin. He is James Potter's best friend. I can't beleive. Noone can think like that. Sometimes, I think the goverment is crazy. And I'm just talking about the Ministry of Magic. You know, in the Harry Potter and the the Order of the Phoenix, when Harry used the magic in the muggle's world, the Ministry of magic watned to gave him a punishment. But if you can use magic and you met the demantors, what can you do for live? He will kill you, so you must use the magic. But there is a muggle world, so Ministry of Magic knew that. Well, is it your fault? Can you imagine that you won't use magic infront of danger?

I can't understand that they want to kill Buckbeak, too. He is just a kind hippogriff. I hate the people like Draco Malfoy. He doesn't have any manner. It was just his fault that he was hurt. Well, there are lots of people who others hate.

Harry Potter. I want to read the Korean book, but I don't have that. I hope that I can see all of the Harry Potter series, sooner or later.

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