Monster Manor 5. Horror Gets Slimed (Paperback + CD 1장) Monster Manor (Book + CD) 6
폴 마르탱, 마뉘 부아스토 지음 / 에듀카코리아 / 2008년 6월
평점 :

Do you like clean or dirty? I know every of you are like clean but sometimes you became dirty. Yes, everything going to dirty. Even the cleanest person in the world! Because there are always mess in there hands, body parts, and in their body! But if you see Horror, you will say "Horror!" Because his name is Horror, or he is really horror! Did you saw the green slime? Yuck, If you saw a green slime, I must to make it disappeared. I didn't saw this, but it will very terrible!

Yes, Horror is very very dirty, but in his world, he is very very clean. I thought there was no clean or dirty. Like clever and foolish! We must take off the difference or biased. We should do, because if we do, the world will became more happy. In fact, I think Pitt is a good person, but he choose the bad one! Because he just tried to make a good place!

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