Monster Manor 3. Beatrice's Spells (Paperback + CD 1장) Monster Manor (Book + CD) 4
폴 마르탱, 마뉘 부아스토 지음 / 에듀카코리아 / 2008년 6월
평점 :

본 스칼펠 제 3권. 매일 아침 영어책 한 권씩 읽기를 도전하다보니, 어느새 몬스터 메이너는 금방 읽어낼 수 있게 되었다. 그리고 책 제목을 전부 하나씩 살펴본 결과, 책 하나에 하나의 인물의 이야기를 담고 있었다는 사실을 깨달았다. 1권은 바로 본 스칼펠 박사, 2권은 프랭키, 3권은 비트리스의 형식으로 말이다. 이번 편은, 깨끗함과 고요함을 좋아하는 엉터리 마녀 비트리스의 이야기였다.

Do you believe at Wich? Um, I believe at U.F.O, But I don't believe at witch. There was a bad history about witch. At the Middle Ages, the church made to kill the witch, and the people must to follow that. And than, a lot of common people died because of witch hunting. However, Beatrice doesn't connection at the Middle Ages, she is a witch, too. But she can't spell the magic well.

I know quiet is a happy things, but I don't want to be lonesome. When the family of Mon Stair Manor came to the castle, Beatrice thought the room will be messy, but she didn't care. Cuz she knew together is the happiest thing!

I think change is not good for you. But I mean don't be silly. You know, you must change yourself, but sometimes change give you just bad. When Beatrice try to make the Monster get out of the house, She lost her servant Fred. We should know what is good for us and what isn't good for us.

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