그림책으로 영어시작 Level 3,4

그림책으로 영어시작 Level 3,4

엄마 한마디 -

아이가 초등 2학년 말 구매한 시리즈입니다.  제 아이는 2학년 말 영어를 시작했고, 이 시리즈를  흘려듣기용으로 이용하며, 테이프가 마모될 때까지 들려준 시리즈이기도 하네요.  그림도 재미있지만, 무엇보다 노부영시리즈처럼 저렴한 가격으로 재미있는 챈트들을 들을 수 있어 아이가 참 좋아했던 시리즈입니다.  한 가지 주제로 동화책 한 권과 실생활에 대한 이야기 구성인 2권의 짝꿍책 구성도 아주 마음에 들었던 부분입니다.   



처음 아이들이 쓰기를 할 때 새로운 것을 어렵게 쓰기보다는 이런 간단하고 재미있는 리딩책을 따라 써보는 것이 영어 쓰기에 참 도움이 많이 된다는 것을 현재 6학년 된 우리 아이로 인해 피부로 느껴보는 엄마입니다. 

최근에 읽은 교육서 <독서 몰입법>에서 말하길 사고력을 증진시키는 것에 글쓰기만한 것이 없다고 하더군요. 

아이가 3학년 때 쓴 일기장을 보니 지금 이 동화책 시리즈를 사인펜의 여러가지 색깔을 이용하여  쓴 것이 상당히 많아서 놀랐습니다.

학교에 과제물로 하던 일기에 이렇게 영어책 따라 쓰기를  아이가 초 3학년  때  4권을 쓴 일기장의 상당 부분을 차지하고 있어서요.  해석도 해보면서 독해에 대해서 자연스러운 문장에 대해 생각해 볼 수 있어 괜찮았던 방법이 아니었던가 합니다.

저희 아이 경우 이 영어책 따라 쓰기를 하던 초3의 시기, 아직 영어로 독후감은 못쓰지만, 한글로 자신만의 감상을 남겼고, 후에 따라 써보는 영어에서 자신이 자연스럽게 쓰는 영어독후감으로 바뀔 수 있었습니다. 

이제 테이프를 듣지 않아도 가끔 이렇게 재미있는 그림책 읽기가 되어주는 여전히 좋은 책 시리즈네요~ ^^* 


아이의 영어그림책 읽고 쓰기입니다.

1. It is Snowing -

Do you like Snowing? I don' like rain, but I like snow! But do you know why does it snow? Because the water go to the sky. And then, it is freezing and go heavier. So it go down and we can see the snow! Wow, how great! And than we can slide and snowball fighting. I'm very exciting when it's snowing.

 2. I Love the Rain-

I like sunny but I don't like rain like Sunny. Sunny doesn't like rain because it's cold and wet. But change your mind! Rain is cool and after rain, we can see the beautiful rainbow! Why rainbow? Because it look like bow. And now I love the rain, too!

3. The Treasure Map -

Can you read the map? Map is a paper what has the picture. It explain where are we going. So map is very important. Pirates are finding the treasure, but they died of the village people's trap.

4. What Is a Map? -

This book introduce the map. Map is like treasure map, village map, world map and the space map. If we don't have map, everyone will in the disorganization.

5. Mouse Music -

Do you like music? Someone like classical music, Pop song and rock. In music there are many kind of music. Noisy music, quiet music. I like both, but someone doesn't like noisy music. And you? What do you like?

6. Listen! Listen! -

Let's listen to the music! What is it? Piano, violin, guitar, drum, trumpet, flute... I can play piano and flute. What can you play? All of the music instruments have other sounds.

7. How Do You Feel? -

Everyone has feel. We always feel something like happy, sad, glad, bad, angry. When Korea soccer team win, we are very exciting. When we have a party, we are very happy.

8. The Rabbit's Chair -

If you make your friends feel bad, you must sorry to them. In this book, the bear broke rabbit's chair so rabbit was angry. It is so cute book.

9. The Witch Story

Did you forget something? This witch always forget something. So when she went to the party, she forgot his house. If you want to live good life, you must know where is your things.

10. My House -

House is the great place. We live in the house and there are a lot of things. My house is middle size. Everyone have house. Even the street people!

11. Little Octopus Went to School -

Are you brave? The little Octopus not good at everywhere, but he is very brave. He chased the dangerous bad shark. He was very great!

12. My Diary -

I have a diary. Diary is vestiges of our life. We record the life in diary. I read Jay's diary. He writed his secret in the diary, too. I think diary is my friend.

13. Happy Birthday!

"Happy Birthday!"

Did you heared this to your friends? Yes, when your birthday, you will recieve this sentense. But when the people doesn't know your birthday, it is very sad. If you know the other people's birthday, he'll be very happy.

14. How To Be a Good Friend -

Are you a good friend? I'm sure everyone can be a good friend. If you want to be a good friend. say hello or hi! to your friend and be a nice. If you do that, Everyone will be like you.

15. What a Wonderful Picture!

Drawing is very fun! You know? You can do everything in the paper. Cut, paste, spray... I don't like drawing very much but i think drawing is the bestest activity. That is why some of the picture is expensive.

16. The Princess and the Knight

You need plan to do something. If you don't have any plan in this life, it will be go bad. But the knight has bad luck, His plans always fail. Anyway, It's okay because he marrry with the brave and beautiful princess.

17. My Special Plan -

My father always in fatigue, but he always play with me. I'm very proud of my father. Some of father always sleep in sunday. If you want to play with your father, you must make a plan.

18. I Am the King -

Elephant, lion, elegator, monkey, bird... Who is the king? I can't decide. But the king is person! person is smaller than elephant, people is weaker than lion. But people is wise than any animals!

19. In the Forest -

I think hunter is very difficult job. Hunter always wait for the animal and kill the animal is very hard. In the forest, the hunter searching for the animals.

20. The Old Clock's New hands

I was very impressed by the old clock and snake's friendship. When the old clock lost his hands, the snake became his hand. I was surprised at that. I want to similar them.

21. What Time Is It? -

Can you read the time? Time is very important to live. We always look the time. If you don't know the time, you must know the time by this book.

22. Little Lamb's Shopping Trip

Did you do shopping? I like shopping but sometimes, I bought wrong things. The Lamb bought wrong things too, but it saved him.

23. The Shopping List -

We must make shopping list because we don't have shopping list, we will forget what must we buy. Mom and the son went to the shopping, and the son always make trouble.


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